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Questions and answers

In fantasy sports, every match is a new victory!

What points are awarded for goals in fantasy football?

The number of points for a goal depends on the player’s position and is usually between 4 and 6 points.

What if my player does not play in the match?

If a player does not play, he does not receive points and is replaced by a substitute.

Are there penalties in fantasy football?

Yes, there are penalties for red cards, own goals, and missed penalties.

How is the league table calculated?

The table is based on the sum of all players’ points.

Can I play fantasy sports with friends?

Yes, you can create a private league to play with friends.

How are assists awarded?

Assists are usually worth 3-5 points depending on the platform.

What if a player on my team is injured?

Replace the injured player in the lineup before the start of the next round.

Can I participate in multiple leagues at once?

Yes, most platforms allow you to participate in multiple leagues at the same time.

How do I choose a captain for my team?

Choose the player who you think has the best chance of doing well in the next round.